Taking a Deep BreathE

don't want to be damaged goods

Okay, so I made a decision today.  Instead of hiding scared in my cave, succumbing to the tunnel vision, the looming despair (I know, me, the drama queen) and the crumpling under the lone street lamp,  I want to focus on what has been bringing me joy this past month and especially last weekend.  I have decided to suck it up,  embrace the entire thing and just be happy and yes, grateful.   I am hoping it will tip the scale.  I mean, I am both happy and freaked out, but I’d rather focus on what is making me happy than what’s freaking me out.  It can go either way at this point, I might as well submit to the joy even if I am taking some time to breathe.  It really doesn’t have to be a dramatic thing .  My friend, Mr. T said I was brave today.  I wonder what HE meant exactly.  But yes, it was a brave thing to do.  We were both brave.

And here we are…

grateful slice:  Maturity and changing our mindsets about certain things that scare us.

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